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When can I access my storage space?
Our customers have the benefit of extensive opening hours. Cockle Mini Storage is open seven days a week, should you need assistance. We are open 24/7 365 days a year for your convenience. 
What's the minimum time I can store for?
All rental agreements are month-to-month. One month is the minimum, but we sure don't mind if you stay longer in our Cockle Mini Storage family. 


I'm moving out of my house - any tips?
One month to go...
  • Call around for mover quotes. Make sure they're properly insured and establish exactly what they're going to be doing. We can recommend reputable, local firms, if you'd like.
  • Order your packing materials. Remember, we have all you need, and our prices can't be beat!
  • Start packing any non-essential items, like out of season clothing, together with your best china, glassware, and ornaments. Mark your boxes clearly.
  • Clear out the attic. Pack as many items as you can from your garage and/or shed.
  • Let everyone know that you're changing addresses.
  • Arrange to have mail re-directed. This needs to be done at least 2 weeks in advance, according to the USPS.
  • Keep all correspondence from your Real Estate Agent, and the moving company you choose.
  • Contact your insurance company to arrange transfer of your home and contents insurance on the move day.
Two weeks to go...
  • Start running down your food stocks, especially in the freezer.
  • Continue to pack any items you won't need before the move.
  • Arrange for someone to look after your children and pets during the move.
  • Contact the gas, electric, telephone, internet and water companies to inform them of the move.
One week to go...
  • Double-check the booking you've made with the moving firm.
  • Keep your vacuum cleaner, dusters, polish, etc., unpacked for that last once-over.
  • Cancel newspapers, milk, window cleaning, and settle any bills you may have overlooked.
The day before...
  • Prepare your moving day "survival kit" containing a teapot, mugs, tea, coffee, milk, sugar, teaspoons, sandwiches, snacks, biscuits, fruit, dish soap, towels, and don't forget the toilet paper roll!
  • Pack all your valuables such as jewelry together, and carry them with you.
  • Keep the file containing all valuable documents relating to the move with you at all times in case you need to refer to them.
  • Advise the phone company of the time you want your telephone disconnected (or transferred).
  • Defrost the freezer and fridge.
  • Make a list of useful telephone numbers for the new occupiers of your home, plus instructions for operating any appliances, central heating, etc.
  • Make sure you have cash available for unforeseen circumstances and for tipping your movers.
  • Telephone your insurance company to double-check that your policy will be in force on the morning of the move.
The morning of the move...
  • Telephone the gas and electric companies, and tell them it's your final day in the home.


Make a list of what you intend to store, especially larger or unusual shaped items. Note items that can be folded down or be taken apart to make more space i.e. beds. This will help you get the best possible quote and enough packing materials.
Calculate the value of what you have to store and arrange insurance coverage. This can be done in store and must be taken out prior to moving your goods in.
Label all boxes clearly to help when retrieving goods from your unit and unpacking.
Allow large and heavy items to form the base of the storage room with lighter items at the top.
Use chests of drawers and wardrobes to store boxes and paper work giving you extra room. Position items that you will need frequent access to at the front of the unit.
Cover all furniture with dust sheets and remember to wrap table and chair legs to avoid scratching.
Store heavy items in smaller boxes to make for easy lifting. Store china and breakables in stronger cardboard and plastic boxes packing with bubble wrap or tissue paper.
Make sure that fridges and freezers are fully defrosted to prevent water damage and where possible leave the doors open to allow ventilation. Clean all garden furniture before storing and make sure that your lawnmower is drained of gas.